Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Almost there......

It is Tuesday morning, and thank god it finally has gotten warmer. We are on our way to North Palm Beach today. We should make it there around dinner time. (fingers crossed) Yesterday was an uneventful day really. We motored all day, it was windy and cold again. I made coffee and meals and went out for about an hour or so at the helm in the early afternoon. I mostly stayed inside the cabin for the past two days. Chris was at the helm all of Sunday, and Ron did the brunt of yesterday. Ron's excited that he is so close to home, he was up before the birds and ready to haul ass.

I'm glad we stayed to finish the trip. I'm not sure if we are going to run straight home or relax for a day or so and then head back... it's up in the air. It would be nice to just get a hotel and visit the beach, ride a bike, get some sun... you know.. the Florida thing. It's going to be 80 degrees today, maybe more. All I know is I'm going to swim SOMEWHERE before I go back north.

Yesterdays highlight for me was dolphins, they were playing alongside the boat. I was whistling and drumming on the side of the hull and they stayed around awhile, (Chris of course thinks I'm a weirdo.) but I don't care, I think they liked it.

Today is just a race to Palm Beach, Ron's at the helm now with his GPS, charts and his goggles... focused and determined to get home. I think I speak for all of us when I say... it's been fun but it needs to end...lol. We have been on the water for 20days. Yes, for short periods we stop and get off but due to the fact we never had the chance to go offshore made this trip seem long.... very long.

Last night the guys picked an anchorage, I was hoping for a marina. I had a little naggy headache all day and just wanted to relax and be able to take a shower. Nope. We stayed out. The winds where 15-20 and the chop was not fun. (the boys seem to enjoy the see-saw motion) It sucks to cook or eat when the boats bouncing... but oh well. We were in a sound, hiding behind this tiny little Island, followed by another tiny island. I tossed and turned all night... it was windy and bumpy but I wasn't worried because Ron has a magic anchor. I just couldn't sleep.

Chris is working and hasn't had a real problem working this whole trip. So its good that he knows now what to expect next year. We will take our time and spend days in cute little towns next time. Start early and enjoy a slow southerly float. :)

I'm going to nap... I'll drop a line tonight.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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